No, you cannot. However, I'm 16 and I work at GameStop as a Game Advisor. You have to be at least 18 to become a manager, etc. It's a common misconception that you have to be 18 to work there at all. You have to be at least 16 years old.
Many companies actually hire 17 year old students. For example, Walmart will hire a 17 year old. McDonald's and other fast food companies will also hire minors as long as the schedule for work does not interfere with their schooling.
No,It is rated M for mature (17+)They also ask for an ID at gamestop when buying these games even if you appear to be over 17
Yes. Since child labor laws allow a business to hire at 16 at 17 you are fully able to find a job that will hire.
17 because they need people that are old
Shoes are inanimate objects that devoid of a volitional faculty; therefore, they are unable to hire anyone regardless of their age.
The best jobs for a 17 year old are fast food restaurants, and movie theaters. They usually try and hire young people that are still in school.
fast food resturants like mcdonalds, wendys, sonics, they actually hire at 14,long john silvers, targets,walmart hire at 17 and so on........
A 17 year old is 17 years old.
No you have to be at least 16 or 17 before you can work in any store.
Many places hire 17 year old teens to work for them. Among them are fast food restaurants, grocery stores and clothing stores aimed at young people.
Many companies hire 17 years olds. Some of them include Old Navy, Burger King, McDonald's, Fitch, Taco Bell, and many other fast food and clothing outlets.
If a 17 year old wants to move in with an 18 year old then the person who is 17 needs to ask their parents to move in with this friend scince the 17 year old is not an official adult