mabey you should ask him out you loser
This was a serious question and I would appreciate a serious answer. For your information I have asked him out and the dates have been good. If you are going to give advice to people in this forum, please don't insult people or give useless advice, particularly with the poor grammar you used in your response. Cheers.Answer:No you always want to ask in person: consider this if the person isn't brave enough to ask you in person would you date them? i would say nosome girls find it flattering no matter how you ask her out
On the phone its better so she can hear you say it
no why would u ask that
if you like him, but tell him to ask you out in person, and not to be such a sissy.
Be sure your ex is not steady dating someone else. If they are not then all you need to do is phone them (do not text them) and ask if they would like to go out on a date and talk things over. Good communication skills are a must.
you can show up with favorite flowers and candy send text ect.
Asking out is fine. Only a low life would breakup via email, text or phone. Who would want to even talk to someone that did that? its ok to ask them out by text but so rude to break up with them by text
If your date calls/text you in a week's time, max 10 days after you met.... and ask you to go out again..... ;)
Try bringing up prom into your conversations. Try to ask him if he has a date.... if not imply that you want him to ask you but make it subtle!
To ask a girl out on a date, just ask her if she would like to hang out sometime. If she says yes, ask her to a movie right on the spot.
If you have once dated you just ask him to give you a call if you would like to go out sometime or ask him more directly if he would like to go out with you on a date.
Going on a date first would probably be a good idea.