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A CBC specimen may be rejected due to specimen hemolysis (breakdown of red blood cells), inadequate sample volume, clotted specimen, improper handling or storage, or outdated sample. These factors can affect the accuracy and reliability of the test results.

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Q: Why would a CBC specimen be rejected?
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A cbc specimen rejected for testing by the hematology dept the tube was filled completelly and labeled properly what might have been the reason for rejection?

One potential reason for rejection could be that the specimen clotted before analysis. Clotted samples can interfere with accurate testing of the complete blood count (CBC) parameters. Another reason could be hemolysis, which is the breakdown of red blood cells, leading to inaccurate results. It's also possible that there was an issue with transportation or handling of the sample that compromised its integrity.

Into what type of vacuum tube would a phlebotomist draw a specimen to be used for a CBC?

CBC is lavender PTT is Light Blue

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It depends on the laboratory's guidelines. If the icteric bilirubin specimen interferes with the accuracy of the test results, then it may be rejected. In some cases, the specimen may be processed but flagged for having abnormal color.

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A cbc specimen rejected for testing by the hematology dept the tube was filled completely and labeled properly what might have been the reason for rejection?

The specimen may have been clotted, hemolyzed, or not properly mixed. It could also have been expired or contaminated. It's important to follow proper blood collection procedures to ensure accurate test results.

Is a CBC a pre-analytical or analytical variable?

A CBC (complete blood count) is considered an analytical variable. The pre-analytical phase involves specimen collection and handling before analysis, while the analytical phase involves the actual testing and analysis of the specimen, which includes processing it to obtain results.

Will warming up a specimen drawn for a cbc cause an abnormal result?

Warming a specimen drawn for cbc to 37 celcius, or body temperature, will not cause an abnormal result. Most CBC analyzers are maintained at this temperature internally so the blood is partially warmed before being analyzed anyways. For some people, the blood MUST be warmed because of proteins (cold agglutinants) that can cause abnormal results if not prewarmed. However, heating the blood over body temperature can damage the cells and lead to abnormal results.

Would you use a lavender tube to collect a CBC?

Yes. Lavender tubes are for CBC w/ differential

What section of the lab would process CBC?


What would you see if you observe a specimen with a magnifying glass?

Obviously, an enlarged specimen.

How big would the specimen look?

the specimen is the objective the microscope and a parts of microscope

What channel is CBC on Time Warner?

The CBC network is on many different channels like in Toronto if you have a rogers box then the channels would be 128 and 513 but on regular TV the channel would be 26 so if you would like to know what channel CBC network is in your province or state just take a little bit out of your time ad visit the CBC website which is