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Hitler believed in a master race. He thought that Germans could be that master race and take over the world. To achieve this he believed he needed to eradicate the people who were "polluting" German, for example Jewish people and homosexual people.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 11y ago

Because they were Jewish. Jews were one of many sections of society that Hitler did not see as part of his Germany. More than that, because of their numbers they were targeted for extermination, hence the Holocaust.

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Q: Why were victims of the holocaust targeted?
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Were all the victims of the Holocaust Jewish?

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The victims are dead.

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YES, The Holocaust victims did consist polish people.

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The Jews targeted in the Holocaust were civilians.

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The Holocaust did not discriminate by age group.

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the victims

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they were the victims

How were Jews victims in the holocaust?

They were victims in the way that they were persecuted and killed.

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Most Holocaust victims were all ages, from newborns and unborns to 100 year olds.

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None. The Japanese were not targeted during the Holocaust.

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