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lmm he sucked dick for a living

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Q: Why were the contributions Euclid made to math important?
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Related questions

Who was the Greek founder of math?

There is no "founder" of math. However, there were many people who made important contributions.

Who made cool math?

Euclid, with geometry!

In what fields did Pythagoras work?

Pythagoras made many contributions to the field of math.

What is euclid's contribution interms of math?

euclid division lemma a=bq+r

What is the relevance of Einstein's contributions to math today?

Einstein does gave a great contribution to math and i believe that this contributions made people change their look in the world, .

What is Euclid's math?

Mostly geometry

What did euclid do for math?

euclid wanted to prove that things were true by using logic and reason.

What math did Euclid give us?


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How did euclid discovered math?

Euclid did not discover math. Math is and was an ongoing process of discovery of the relationship between all things that can be expressed with math formulas. Most of what the ancient Greeks did was based on geometry. Euclid gathered all the geometric information together and tried to systematize it so that it would be easier to understand and easier to learn and/or use. He did nothing with the other branches of math.

Contributions of euclid in the study of geometry?

euclid wrote a work called Stoicheia/Elements which is a thirteen volume collection of geometrical math work. it compiles lots of geometrical knowledge, based on others' works (thales, pythagoras, aristotle, plato, etc,...) he was also the founder of the Alexandrian School of Mathematics.

What two contributions did Fibonacci make in the math world?

to know how to do arithmatic in the decimal system and his travels are the two contributions that he made in the world.