To shake people <---(shake people? what you on about?) lighthouses were built for ships to be able to see that they are close to the harbour and to stop crashing inot rocks and the breakwater.
Alexandria's lighthouse was built using solid blocks of granite and limestone. The Lighthouse took 12 years to construct, and was built between 290-270 BC/BCE. After 1500 yrs. the lighthouse was knocked down after several earthquakes, but some parts of the lighthouse still remain on the shore of the harbor and in the water.
this was built by mohamad of ghazni
It was built in china
I assume you mean "built in" not "in built." A built in oven is an oven that is not mobile, and it is built in to the wall of the kitchen.
Enterprise was built in 1974, Columbia was built in 1975, Challenger was built in 1978, Discovery was built in 1979, Atlantis was built in 1979, and Endeavour was built in 1991.
Was built
Built 1914-17.Built 1914-17.Built 1914-17.Built 1914-17.Built 1914-17.Built 1914-17.
The emperor Vespasian built the Colosseum.The emperor Vespasian built the Colosseum.The emperor Vespasian built the Colosseum.The emperor Vespasian built the Colosseum.The emperor Vespasian built the Colosseum.The emperor Vespasian built the Colosseum.The emperor Vespasian built the Colosseum.The emperor Vespasian built the Colosseum.The emperor Vespasian built the Colosseum.
Where was the ystleta mission built and why was it built
Roads were/are built with ditches for drainage purposes.Roads were/are built with ditches for drainage purposes.Roads were/are built with ditches for drainage purposes.Roads were/are built with ditches for drainage purposes.Roads were/are built with ditches for drainage purposes.Roads were/are built with ditches for drainage purposes.Roads were/are built with ditches for drainage purposes.Roads were/are built with ditches for drainage purposes.Roads were/are built with ditches for drainage purposes.
Julius Caesar built the forum of Caesar.Julius Caesar built the forum of Caesar.Julius Caesar built the forum of Caesar.Julius Caesar built the forum of Caesar.Julius Caesar built the forum of Caesar.Julius Caesar built the forum of Caesar.Julius Caesar built the forum of Caesar.Julius Caesar built the forum of Caesar.Julius Caesar built the forum of Caesar.
Charles V built the bastille