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An igloo provides shelter from the elements - and provides a safe place away from predators.

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Q: Why we should stay in an igloo?
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Related questions

Which one is warmer a tent or igloo with a candle?

An igloo. Although snow is cold it gives off heat when inclosed in an igloo. That is how the eskimos were able to stay warm during the harsh winters.

How does a person stay warm in the snow?

you could build a igloo and that can keep you warm and if you cant build a igloo then put your hand in your arm pits

My hamster had babies and they're in the hiding igloo how long should I wait until I can lift up the igloo and look at them?

They're not vampires, they won't die from sunlight. you should have lifted up the igloo right when they are born. GO LIFT THE IGLOO UP NOW!!

Where to stay in the north pole?

There might be the odd igloo free, but apart from that nowhere.

How do you get the Ship igloo on Club Penguin?

The Ship Igloo on Club Penguin is very rare. I think it was given out by Rockhopper about 3 times. It might be in the Igloo Upgrades catalog, you should check in there. I CAN GET ANY IGLOO I WANT IT'S EASY NO HACK IN THE SECRET IGLOO UPGRADES!

How do you get a candy igloo on Club Penguin?

1) Go to your igloo and click on the "Igloo Upgrades" catalog. 2) Flip through the pages and click on every word "candy" that you see. 3) You should now have to candy igloo.

How do you get an igloo on Club Penguin?

You Should Already Have One

If you quit being a member on club penguin does your igloo stay upgraded?

No but you keep ur puffles.

How do you enter an igloo contest on club penguin?

You click on a igloo sign at the bottom of your screen and it takes you to your igloo. Go there and decorate it in a tropical theme and on the right corner there should be a picture of a golden igloo and it looks like a money bank holing a piece of paper click on that and click yes!

How do you do the igloo trick on clubpenguin?

first go to your igloo click on your buddy list then click on the "edit igloo" button then click on one of your member buddies and you should be able to move things in the other persons igloo but it won't work anymore cause Disney bought clubpenguin

How much does an igloo cost?

If you want to stay in an igloo in Antarctica, you will be required to fund your entire expedition, including air transit from your location to the spot on the continent where you want to build your igloo -- and all expenses related to your support staff. Finally, you'll want to fund the round trip return.

What is 'igloo' in Italian?
