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It was the intention of the original Starbucks founders to use the mermaid/siren to represent the seduction of the sea going mariners. In continuing with the metaphor, they were simply replacing the sirens seductive songs with the their tasty irresistible berverages. It is based off Moby Dick and the character Starbuck who was a sailor who loved coffee. And sirens were seductive to sailors they would jump out of boats once they heard the sirens' songs. So it basically means that it is irrestible.

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16y ago
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14y ago

The name "Starbucks" came from two sources. The company started in Washington state. Two things are significant in that states history...mining in the mountains and seafaring. An old mining camp in the Cascades (i think) was called Starbo. The founders also were fans of Moby Dick, in that novel "Starbuck" was the first mate on board. So Starbucks was the chosen name. Now..considering the seafaring history of the region...there is an old legend of a Siren (two tailed mermaid) who, with her song, drew the seafarers safely home (not to be confused with the evil, hypnotic sirens in the Odyssey.) So, she, the Siren was chosen as the logo. If you look up the original logo you will see it is slightly more risque than the one you have come to know today.

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11y ago

The logo for Starbucks may look like a mermaid, but it's a actually an alternative creature in mythology called a Melusine. A Melusine is a mermaid-like creature with the lower torso of two divided fish tails, and the upper torso of a woman with wings. Melusines come from early European folklore, and were typically used in German Coats of Arms, holding one scaly tail in each hand. This suggests that the founder of Starbucks could have had some sort of German descent, of this logo meant something to them. Hope this helps!

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15y ago

Each of the tails represents each coffee flavor, chocolate and vanilla.

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11y ago


Although Starbucks call it by it's proper name, a Siren, rather than mermaid.

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12y ago

Trust worthy

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12y ago

only starbusks workers know

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What is a mermaid call if it has two tails?

It is called a bicalxmermaid.

Which major company uses a mermaid as its logo?

Starbucks use the mermaid as their logo - although Starbucks actually officially call it by it's proper name - a Siren, not a mermaid.

How do you get the tails like a mermaid?

Mermaids are not real so you can't get tails like a mermaid

Were do they sell long mermaid tails?

walmart has pink purple orange blue brown yellow mermaid tails

What is Starbucks trademark?

Starbucks has nearly 100 registered trademarks, but the most familiar is their mermaid logo.

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Which major company uses mermaid as its logo?


Where can you get a meerjungfrauen tails?

Mermaid tails are available at many different retailers.

Why siren has two tails?

Melusine is the twin-tailed mermaid. ?æThe tails represent unity of earth and water, body and soul, the siren of the philosophers.

Where can you get a realistic mermaid outfit?

You can go to mermaid tails buy weher swim

Where can you buy mermaid tails in Japan?

At the zoo

Where are there mermaid tails sold in Ireland?

i dont no