By many it was considered to be an oppressive entry into a Civil War.
Many felt that it placed an unfair burden on blacks, Hispanics and the poor.
An eletist war was still another complaint since many wealthy persons found ways to avoid military service in Vietnam. The government is lying about what is going on in Vietnam was a common mantra and that was more evident when the press began to disclose the US incursions into Laos and Cambodia.
Most American wars have obvious starting points or precipitating causes: the Battles of Lexington and Concord in 1775, the capture of Fort Sumter in 1861, the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, and the North Korean invasion of South Korea in June 1950, for example. But there was no fixed beginning for the U.S. war in Vietnam.
The Vietnam War divided Australia as a nation due to the introduction of conscription and the emotions and support those of the people expressed towards the war. Many people had different opinions on the Vietnam War, as it was highly televised, and not censored my the Government, unlike previous wars. They could see the terror it brought, and they believed the soldiers that were fighting were responsible. They were no longer considered heroes.
As with any conflict there are more sides to the disputes than at first appear.
Many citizens of the US agreed with the response of their government to the threat of a communist take over of South Vietnam.
As the war escalated many also started to count the cost, in lives as well as financially, and came to the conclusion that the US should not be involved in such a conflict. This gave rise to many confrontations between citizen on each side as well as with the administration and their handling of the matter.
This is obviously a simplification of the matter and does not try to explain any of the specific issues involved. Suffice to say many were for and many were or became objectors to the involvement by the US in the war.
Oh, honey, where do I start? Chaotic, brutal, divisive, deadly. It was a hot mess, plain and simple. Those were some dark days, let me tell you.
As necessary as the cold war yes
Q who was the victor of the Vietnam war? A I have no idea who won the Vietnam war!!!!
No, the Vietnam War was in Vietnam
A military officer that fought in the Vietnam War. A Vietnam War soldier would be a "soldier that fought in the Vietnam War.
After the war, there was a reunification of Vietnam. So the answer is "One country".
Yes, the Vietnam War was well, a war as you can tell because it says it in its name Vietnam WAR! so ya........ it is..............
When the Vietnam War passed into history, so did the hippies.
i dont know jsu
Oh, honey, where do I start? Chaotic, brutal, divisive, deadly. It was a hot mess, plain and simple. Those were some dark days, let me tell you.
The nation of Vietnam came into existence in 1975 (on paper in 1976). So are you asking about that Vietnam or the Vietnam War? There was no nation called "Vietnam" during the Vietnam War.
The Vietnam War was the first war to be televised to the public. So America saw everything that was going on in Vietnam and wanted to pull out of the war.
There was no "Vietnam" during the Vietnam War. Communist NORTH Vietnam was attacking non-communist SOUTH Vietnam, and the US was trying to drive the communists out of South Vietnam...trying to stop communist aggression. It's called the Vietnam War because it's a lot easier to say, and less confusing...than to say "South Vietnam War" or "North Vietnam War", so some people go so far as to say the war in Southeast Asia instead.
because many american were against the vietnam war so there was 2 groups.
Not so great
The Vietnam war distracted the American people from Johnson's plan for a "Great Society".
It helped divide the two nations so we could win the Vietnam war faster.