The Confederacy had severe limitations in its struggle to become an independent nation. The main problem it had in the conduct of the US Civil War was the lack of manpower it had in comparison with the North. The Union had a much larger pool of men to fight the war, while the South, with a significantly smaller population, could not fight an extended war.
With France in the war and the northern army defeated, the British looked to the South to regain the upper hand. In order to win in the South, they planned get loyal colonists to fight for them. They also offered slaves freedom if they would fright for the British. The tide of war was turning in favor of the Americans.; idk if it worked....- apex
Deborah Sampson wanted to fight in the war for her country.
The nation of North Vietnam (which no longer's called Vietnam today). The country that the US was allied to, South Vietnam, doesn't exist was consumed by North Vietnam. The official name of SOUTH Vietnam was the "Republic of South Vietnam."
The federal government was unable to pay its Revolutionary War debts because it did not have the power to levy taxes. The war was fought from 1775 to 1783.
Unable to stop the flow of communist men and material from entering South Vietnam and with the support from it's own citizens (fellow countrymen) at home now gone, the US was UNABLE to continue the fight. So it withdrew from it.
to allow the south to continue to fight the war
The Civil War
He fought for the South
the will to fight
They felt like it.
They felt like it.
guerrilla warfare
Some men didnt go into the war if they were mentally instable, physically unable, handicaped or too old to fight and or get around Some men didnt go into the war if they were mentally instable, physically unable, handicaped or too old to fight and or get around