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The Monroe Doctrine by US President Monroe was issued to try to prevent European involvement in North or South America. Its goal was also to prevent the "New World" from being fought over.

It is important to note that Great Britain endorsed the doctrine as it suited their own interests in the Western Hemisphere.

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12y ago

Spain used to have most of the land in Central America and South America. However, in the 1800s, those lands broke free from Spanish rule. Spain had lost its colonies in the Americas, and many countries in Europe feared that these revolts would inspire people in their colonies to revolt against them. However, America applauded the newly independent nations. Those other European nations wanted to help Spain get their possessions back. Britain did not want Spain to get their possessions back. So they went to America to ask for help to warn the European nations to stay out of the Americas. America was now troubled with a decision. Should they form an alliance with Britain, a country they had just fought a war with(War of 1812) to help keep the newly independent nations safe, form an alliance with just the Latin Americans countries and keep them safe, leave them alone, or just warn other countries to say out by ourselves? America chose the last option. The president at the time, James Monroe, created the Monroe Doctrine. This was a document that warned, or basically threatened, Europe.

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14y ago

The Monroe Doctrine (actually written by John Quincy Adams), declared in December of 1823, was a superlative U.S. foreign policy statement. It was precipitated by various independence movements in South America and the U.S. government's desire to discourage European nations from colonizing the Americas. The doctrine claimed that the Americas ". . .are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers." However, the American failures throughout the War of 1812 made the doctrine laughable to Europeans.

In the early 1900's, the Monroe Doctrine proved it's power. President Theodore Roosevelt aggressively enforced it during the Venezuela Border Dispute and in securing the independence of Cuba from abusive Spanish rule.

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11y ago

It was because of Europeans trying to take Americas land

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9y ago

was politically independent with its own sovereign powers.-StudyIsland

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