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what the hell?not everybody thinks the EU was a bad idea

it was not a bad idea. originally, the eu was a trade union. this was a good idea, promoting economic cooperation between member states. it has transformed into the most undemocratic and elitist organisations since the USSR. the eu is just the next figure in the line of napoleon and Hitler: Germany and France trying to create a European superstate. its up to countries like the UK and the like to once again stand up and block the plan.

to recap: i support the idea of a trade union, but if the UK ever joins, i will take up arms to defend my country's sovereignty.

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because they think it starts wars and all the wealthy countries won't have any money because they have to give some to the poor countries.

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12y ago

EU decides everything and thats not fair to other contries in Eu.

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People's Movement against the EU was created in 1972.

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This is an opinion question, so you will get arguments for both sides. Personally, I think that the EU is a good thing. Its goals are to unite Europe politically and economically. The EU, if compared against countries, is one of the most developed, has one of the highest standards of living, has the largest economy in the world, etc. Some even consider the EU to be a country as it possess some powers similar to that of a country. The EU is also considered to be a global power by many. It is also believed that the EU may one day fuse into one nation.

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I want - Eu queroI wish - Eu desejoI desire Eu desejo ( desire is also a noun)

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'I love you' in Brazilian Portuguese is 'Eu te amo'.

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I (am) Eu sou Me too ( Eu também)

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