The Catholic Church is "based in Rome" because St. Peter, the head of the Apostles and the Rock upon whom Jesus Christ founded His Church, lived and died in Rome. His successors, who are the popes of the Catholic Church, maintained there residency in this city in his honor.
The Apostle Peter died in Rome, and his successors continued to lead the Church there. Since Peter was the leader of the Apostles, and singled out as being the foundation of the Church, according to Catholic teaching, the centre of Catholic leadership is found where his successors are, which happens to have been Rome.
St. Peter probably chose Rome as it was the center of the known world at that time, and I am sure that he prayed about this and that God directed him there, just as he did St. Paul.
Rome is the diocese of the pope, the successor of St. Peter, whose task is to "strengthen the brethren," who are the bishops (Luke 22:32). The Magisterium (the authoritative teaching office of the Church) is composed of the bishops in union with the Pope, making the pope the force of unity among the bishops. Finally, the pope is Servus Servorum Dei, the Servant of the Servants of God, meaning that he is in charge of serving the bishops as their leader.
During the early years of the Church, Rome was, for all intents and purposes, the center of the World. Most of the known world was under Roman control and it seemed the logical location for the headquarters of the new Church. As they say, 'All roads lead to Rome.' Eventually the soil of Rome became sanctified by the blood of martyrs, including that of St. Peter and of St. Paul and hundreds of others.
The center of Roman Catholicism is the Vatican which is a separate country within modern day Rome.
Catholic AnswerIt's just Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church.The center of Catholicism is Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ. He is physically present on earth in the Blessed Sacrament reserved in every Catholic Church all over the world.
The center of His Church on earth is the Bishop, who is the head, and successor to the Apostles, of each particular Church, called a diocese. Each Bishop in the world is appointed by the Bishop of Rome, who is the successor to St. Peter and resides in the Vatican, in Rome; which could be looked upon as they physical center of Catholicism, as its heart, but, really, the center if the Bishop in each particular diocese.
Vatican City, Rome.
The Catholic Church.
that moscow is the new center of the roman catholic church in europe
The Roman Catholic Church has always had its Capital in Rome.
The Catholic Church, or simply "the Church": there was no other in medieval Europe, and it certainly wasn't referred to as the Roman Catholic Church until the protestant revolt in England centuries later. The center of the Church was in Rome; the word "catholic" means universal. It was meant as the "universal church", or the church for everybody.
The home of the Catholic Church is Vatican City, Rome, Italy. It's just Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church. The very first Pope, St. Peter, was buried on Vatican Hill, and the center of Catholic Christianity has been in Rome ever since, Vatican City. See Taylor R. Marshall's book, The Eternal City Rome & the Origins of Catholic Christianity. (link below)
Vatican City, home of the Pope and religious center of the Roman Catholic church, is considered to be the "holy land" located in Rome.
The Vatican City, inside Rome, Italy. The Vatican is its own country.
The pope in Rome is the leader of the entire Catholic Church.
"The Holy See" at the Vatican in Rome, Italy
The pope is the bishop of Rome and pope, the earthly head of the Catholic Church.