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The discovery of the Pacific Ocean was important because it became a route by which to navigate around the globe. Vasco Nunez de Balboa named the Pacific Ocean the South Sea, and used it as a way to get around the tip of South America.

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Winona O'Kon

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The discovery of the Pacific Ocean was important because it became a route by which to navigate around the globe. Vasco Nunez de Balboa named the Pacific Ocean the South Sea, and used it as a way to get around the tip of South America.

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Q: Why was Balboas discovery of the Pacific Ocean Significant?
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Why was Balboas discovery of the Pacific Ocean?

The discovery of the Pacific Ocean was important because it became a route by which to navigate around the globe. Vasco Nunez de Balboa named the Pacific Ocean the South Sea, and used it as a way to get around the tip of South America.

What is Balboas name for the Pacific Ocean?


Did balboas discovery make him rich and famous?

Balboa's discovery of the Pacific Ocean did contribute to his fame, as he was the first European to lead an expedition to this body of water. However, he did not become wealthy from this achievement as he faced financial difficulties throughout his life.

When did the corps of discovery arrive at the pacific ocean?

They reached the Pacific Ocean in November 15,1805

What were vasco nunez de balboas contributions?

He was the first Europen explorer to see the eastern side of the Pacific Ocean.

What was vascoe nunez de balboas achievement?

His achievement was that he was the first European to see the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean.

What was vasco nunez de balboas legacy?

Vasco Nunez de Balboa is known for being the first European to see the Pacific Ocean from the Americas. His exploration and establishment of the first European colony on the Pacific coast of the Americas in Panama played a significant role in expanding Spanish influence in the region. Balboa's legacy is largely tied to his accomplishments as an explorer and conquistador during the Age of Discovery.

When did the corps of discovery finally arrive at the pacific ocean?

They reached the Pacific Ocean in November 15,1805

Why was Balboa's discovery important to the New World?

Vasco Nunez de Balboa's discovery was the first view of the Pacific Ocean by an explorer. This was significant because Balboa made the claim that all territories bordering the Pacific Ocean in the New World was for Spain. It also gave Europeans a better view of how large the world was.

What was James Cook's biggest discovery?

finding Hawaii and the pacific ocean

Balboa's search for gold led to the discovery of the Pacific Ocean?