Melodrama was invented because many people at the time were illiterate. The big gestures and little talking involved in melodrama meant they were able to understand the play and have fun without getting confused.
Hope this helps :)
what does music have to do with melodrama
Melodrama was developed in the 18th century
what are you on about he loved melodrama. he made 3 techniques in melodrama to use body language, communicate with the audience and to use facial expression while communicating with the audience i taught melodrama to all my students it was antonin artaud who disliked melodrama hope i helped you??
A different type of melodrama is soap opera
melodrama is use for plays,films,or television progam
what does music have to do with melodrama
No it is not a melodrama, it is a comedy show.
Australian Melodrama was created in 1994.
Melodrama was developed in the 18th century
what are you on about he loved melodrama. he made 3 techniques in melodrama to use body language, communicate with the audience and to use facial expression while communicating with the audience i taught melodrama to all my students it was antonin artaud who disliked melodrama hope i helped you??
The duration of Manhattan Melodrama is 1.55 hours.
The duration of Melodrama Habibi is 1.63 hours.
Manhattan Melodrama was created on 1934-05-04.
A different type of melodrama is soap opera
melodrama is use for plays,films,or television progam
victorian melodrama started in the 12th century
The answer is Melodrama.