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Q: Why was manetho so important to the Nubian's and Egyptian's?
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What makes Manetho so important to historians?

He was a priest and an advisor, began to keep records and he divided the kings into different dynasties.

When the 25 dynasty of Egypt was beaten at Napata where did the black population of the south went to?

the correct answer is," the nubians trades foods and goods so the egyptians didn't sell trade anymore".

Why were Egyptian gods so important to egyptians?

Gods were important to Ancient Egyptians for the same reason God is important to people today

How did the Egyptian Empire occasionally become controlled by the Nubians?

Egypt became weak so they divided. The kings took over more of Egypt. Then eventually controlled Egypt for 700 years. Also the Nubians were great archers which made it tough for the Egyptians army to survive, which they didn't for a number of times.

Why hapi is so important to the Egyptians?

You tell me ;)

What were the Nubians known for?

The Nubians were known for their fighting skills. They were so good that they began making armies.

Why were Egyptians so important?

Thank king tut which made everyone interested in Egyptians! :D

Why was measurement so important to the Egyptians?

so that they could make pyramids

What made pharaoh Piye and Taharaqo so powerful?

Piye and Taharaqo were considered powerful because they were pharoahs from a different empire, the Kushites (or Nubians). They kept the culture and the religion so the Egyptians didn't feel threatened.

Why did the Nubians develop trade routes over land?

The Nubians were not as dependant on the flooding of the Nile, so they had no need to trade by water.

Why were the ancient Egyptians gods so important?

cause they ruled

What is so important about the sphinx?

The sphinx is important because it was of great value to the Pharaohs and Egyptians.