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Jonah refused to go to the place God told him to goto, he went the opposite way. God sent a storm , and he was swallowed by a whale , he was in the belly of the whale for three days, nd then vomited out.

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Q: Why was Jonah so angry with the people?
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What prophet became angry when the people repented and gained God's compassion as a result of his preaching?

Jonah was angry when the people of Nineveh repented and therefore did not suffer the wrath of God. Jonah chapter 4

Who was angry because God didn't destroy Nineveh?

The prophet Jonah.

Who became angry when his preaching caused a whole city to repent in the bible?


What is Jonah from The Bible about?

Jonah was told by God to go to a place called Ninevah where the people were terrible. God wanted Jonah to speak to them and help them see that they needed to change their ways. But, Jonah decided not to go so God had a giant fish, sometimes said to be a whale, swallow Jonah to teach him a lesson. Don't worry, Jonah lived.

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Many people who have the same surname are not related to each other. There are hundreds, probably thousands of people with the Lehrer surname, so Tom and Jonah are probably not related.

What is the important meaning in the story 'Jonah and the Whale'?

1. Being angry at God's person and His grace to others isn't a reason for disobeying Him. Jonah 4:2 2. The book of Jonah prefigures the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Luke 11:30: For as Jonah became a sign to the people of Nineveh, so will the Son of Man be to this generation. Matt. 12:40: For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Luke 11:32: The men of Nineveh will rise up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, something greater than Jonah is here. Alternate view (BTW, it wasn't a whale): God loves all persons, even one's enemies such as the people of Nineveh, and salvation is available to all persons.

Why does pain make people angry at the people who care for them?

The pain makes people angry at the people who care for them because when you are angry, you focus on this one point, and, inside your heart feels like it wants to make revenge and make other people angry, too. So, when you are angry, you care much less for the people who care for you, because, you, being hurt and angry, wants to hurt other people too.

Why people get so angry?

what a stupid question!! GRRRR.

Why is Michael gyeszat so angry?

because people think they know him and they really dont which makes him angry

Why was Henry VIII angry with the people?

Henry VIII was angry with the people because Henry thinks that the people living here was unnecessary, so he just killed them.

Why is everyone angry at you?

You hold the key to why everyone is angry at you. If there was only one or two people angry at you then you may have been misunderstood, but when many people are angry at you there is no way you do not know what you are doing to make them angry. If you do not know how to correct your bad habits that obviously make people angry at you then try talking to at least one person you feel you can approach so they can enlighten you as to why everyone is angry at you.

Who are the famous people in whales?
