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== == India was a major supplier of raw materials for that workshop.

== == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == Hi, Because prior to Imperialized India was not a united country. It was ruled by many kings. So, British captured these Kings & made as one country under their rule. Hope this helps

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16y ago
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9y ago

The Europeans Imperialism of India was disastrous for the country. The Mughal Empire crumbled. The wealth of India was plundered and used for the benefit of the British. The English East India company was started and established the rule of the British over the Indians. They had complete power over the country of India.

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9y ago

The 'sub-continent' of India was imperialized by Great Britain in a series of large-scale steps or stages between the 17th and mid-19th centuries. The first stage began in the 17th century with the first substantial presence of British traders (part of the East India Company) in India. The next stage, lasting from the 1750s until 1858, saw the combination of economic influence and proto-military rule by East India Company officials over larger portions of India. Finally, from 1858 onward, British military and administrative officials (and, of course, troops) took over in order to enforce firm, and increasingly resented, colonial rule over most of the 'sub-continent.'

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14y ago

The British Empire ruled India so they can take over India and steal all their good such as herbs, spices, rice, tea ect as India was a very weak and poor country at that time.

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