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Q: Why shouldn't you get a tattoo on your back?
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Who did trey songz back tattoo?

A female tattoo artist name Nelly Milan did the tattoo on his back

Where is Evanna Lynch's tattoo?

her tattoo is on the back of her neck

What does nick cannon tattoo say on his back?

His tattoo on his back says Mariah like as in Mariah Carey as in his wife so yes his back tattoo says Mariah.

When you get a tattoo will hair grow back in the spot where the ink is?

Yes, your hair will grow back over the tattoo

Does danni harmer have a tattoo?

Yes. She has a tattoo on her back, another on her hip and one on the back of each ankle.

Can you tattoo your back?

yes, theres practically nothing that you cant tattoo

What is the name of the tattoo at the back of Randy Orton?

it is called a tribal tattoo

If you get a tattoo on your back and as you grow older and bigger would it stretch?

The tattoo is on your skin. If your skin stretches, so will the tattoo.

Where is Rajon Rondo's tattoo?

Rajon Rondo has a tattoo on his back of two R's.

What kind of tattoo to get on a person's back if they already have a tattoo of a spider and a web?

A spider

Should you give a stray cat milk?

NO you shouldnt! otherwise it will keep coming back