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Ethical monotheism is a term made up in fairly recent times to describe the type of belief system shared by Judaism, Christianity and Islam, as well as some other minor religions. The term 'ethical monotheism' itself is made up of Four separate words or parts; ethical, mono, theos, and '-ism', but it is easier to split the term into Two separate ones; ethical and monotheism. Both have very different meanings and together has one meaning that is followed by millions of people now days.

Looking closely at the first term of 'ethical', one can conclude initially that the term 'ethic' is present, connoting that it deals with morals and ethical codes, a way in which an individual can live their lives, by abiding to one or perhaps many rules and laws. Ethical following deals with a set of moral principles or values. Being ethical has involvement in deontological ethics as well as teleological ethics too, were absolute morality is established and is universal and unchanging at all times when abided to. God is seen as being 'Holy', literally translating being separate, specialm different and set apart, and so for monotheists, god is absolutely distinct from everything else and is therefore holy. God is seen as being 'supranatural' rather than being seen as 'supernatural', meaning that he exists not only outside the natural world, but also aboive it in the sence of being superior to it.

Contrary to the above, 'monotheism' however has a very different meaning. Monotheism is the belief in one god and one god only, there are no other nor any other external influences on a person other than god. A monotheistic believer is one who believes in the existence of a singular dominant God, however may choose to avoid all rules and ethical codes that this god attempts to share. The terms as mentioned earlier, can be broken down into 3 parts; Mono, theos, -ism. In terms of Greek language, 'mono' translates to one, single, alone, and 'theos' translated to god/gods. '-ism' is defined as acting in adherence/accordance to a system or a class of principles.

Together, Ethical Monotheism results in belief in a singular god who establishes a system of moral values and principles. An abider of Ethical monotheism is one who determines a singular God and his higher power, as well as adhering by this higher powers' rules and moral laws. The Gods' law is perfect and unchanging as well as being universalistic, and in order to fulfil the 'ethical' part, one must also follow all laws that are stated to the best of their ability. 'Good' morality must be good as due to being set by god, who is the highest standard, one cannot go against his decisions as they are simply the highest standard. Moral guidelines are not just a way of living ones life, they link directly into the monotheistic side of the whole term, where by moral behaviour is an actual form of worship in itself. People adhering by god's rule is a way to please god, and acts that he set that are followed, contribute to just another way of worship and add to completing all of the rules. Again as mentioned before, ethical monotheism involves the understanding of absolute moral guidelines laid down by god. These absolute standards are unchanging and are usually demonstrated in the holiest of scriptures in religions, The law remains always the same, it does not change with circumstances or apply only to some situations and not to others, I.e they are not relevant, but absolute. Ethical monotheism is a way of life for all individuals who follow it, in a sense that complete following of it results in lack of free will and limited options for the individual due to remaining faithful towards their god who transcribed them for them.

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9y ago
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6y ago

Ethical monotheism, the belief in One ethical God, is the basis of Judaism.

If we acknowledged more than one god, we'd have to deal with divine rivalries (as in Greek mythology) and the question of which god (if any) is supreme, and whether that supremacy is constant.

If God were not ethical, there would be much less reason to obey Him.

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9y ago

For many of the world's peoples, monotheism is important because it represents the accurate picture of the Creator to whom we are beholden. The existence of God, and (by extension) an accurate understanding of Him, are the greatest of life's concerns, both in this world and in the afterlife.

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8y ago

The ethical monotheism of Judaism is the belief in One God together with the ethical behavior that this belief teaches. This was founded by Abraham. It is important because it is the basis of Judaism and of much of the structure of Western belief, social morality, and jurisprudence.

See also:

More about Abraham

More about Judaism's influence

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7y ago

Without monotheism, Judaism wouldn't be Judaism. It's like asking why democracy is important to America, or why meat is important in a meat-pie. Judaism was founded upon monotheism, and that has remained its chief defining characteristic. See also:

How Judaism was founded

Jewish monotheism

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13y ago

Monotheism unified the country of Israel from the Kingdom of the North (Kingdom of Israel) and the South (Kingdom of Judah).

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13y ago

Ethical monotheism is the belief in one god who is just and fair.

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10y ago

It could be said that the entire Torah depends on its basis of ethical monotheism. (That answers both questions.)

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