

Best Answer

because there are some teahers that are so wild..

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Q: Why math is said to be a scarecrow in schools?
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Why math is said to be a scarecrow at school?

That would seem to mean that some people are afraid of it.

When did they put math into schools?

Math has been in schools as long as there have been schools.

Who said how can you talk if you don't have a brain?

Dorothy Gale to the scarecrow

Where can I find information on the academy of Math?

A lot of the Ivy Schools are good schools for students who want to major in math. There are several academies of Math. They may not suit you though.

What was the second thing that the Scarecrow said to Dorothy?

It's pleasant down that way, too was the second thing that the Scarecrow said to Dorothy Gale in the beloved 1939 film version of 'The Wizard of Oz'. The first thing was 'That way is a very nice way'. Certainly [I spoke], how do you do?was the second thing that the Scarecrow said to Dorothy in the original 1900 book edition of 'The Wizard of Oz'. The first thing was 'Good day'.

Where do they need math teachers?

They need math teachers in all schools around the world.

What is the highest math class?

its usally DQ but some schools can have math for engeneerin as well.

Who is in secnd place in the first in math in schools?

For colleges, Princeton is the top math school.

When was Port Said International Schools created?

Port Said International Schools was created in 2005.

Scarecrow the wiz?

The Scarecrow lacks a brain .

Is ST Math for School Students only?

Yes it is only for schools who have ST math website.

What are the dialog to said in a fancy dress competiton of a scarecrow?

"I may be a scarecrow, but I'm here to wow the crowd with my unique charm and style. With my straw hat and patchwork outfit, I bring a touch of whimsy and creativity to the runway. So, let's all gather 'round and enjoy the magic of this fancy scarecrow!"