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why is kinzchat plus closed

Its closed to make improvements

Because your phone is not on light green!!!!!!!
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Q: Why is webkinz clubhouse plus closed?
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Why is webkinz clubhouse plus closed on weekends?

They need to work on keeping the servers good in kinzchat and kinzchat plus. and work on other stuff.

Why is webkinz clubhouse closed?

It's probably because webkinz is working on it, or at 12:00 to 8:00am It is closed!

How long is the clubhouse in webkinz going to be closed?

Now the Kinzchat is opened all the time but Kinzchat plus is only opened from 9:00AM to 5:00PM

How do you get all the rockets in the clubhouse in Webkinz?

You search the webkinz club house and plus I already have 4 rockets.

When is the Webkinz clubhouse plus opening?

The Webkinz Club House will be opening very soon I'll keep you posted.

How do you get into Webkinz clubhouse plus?

you have to send a message to ur parents asking if you can talk like IM to other webkinz user that are on.

When will the Clubhouse be open on Webkinz?

The Clubhouse in Webkinz is website clubhouse for children. The clubhouse in Webkinz has been open for over six years and is available free of charge. A log in and password must be created in order to access the clubhouse.

How do you unlock Webkinz clubhouse plus?

What you do is go to the club house, as always it will show clubhouse plus and the regular club house. Click on clubhouse plus and it will say put your name and your parents e-mail. (thats because the need your parents permission to let you go on clubhouse plus.) Once your parents confirm the e-mail webkinz sent you log off your acount then log back on. It should let you on it.

Where do webkinz hang out to chat the most?

In the Kinz Chat Plus clubhouse at the Restaurant or the Trading Room.

Where is the leprachaun in Webkinz?

its in the webkinz clubhouse OK its not that hard!

How can i find doug the dog on webkinz?

You have to find one in he clubhouse or another place.

What is spooky in the clubhouse on Webkinz clubhouse?

It is a ghost that shows up when you are at the clubhouse and he give you a piece of candy for your collection. I was looking up the same thing while I was on webkinz and he just appeared.