Where is air ride leveling switch on 1996 Lincoln town car
Had similar problem on N reg Corsa 1.7D, until I changed the setting on the air circulation coming into the car via slide switch on dashnoard. Not sure whether yours is rotary or slide, but either way, set it on "fresh air" coming in from outside, NOT on recirculating air in car..You would be surprised!
There is a relay switch on the fire wall that the compressor is pluged into. change it out and it should work. And make sure that the blue light comes on inside the car when you turn the air on because if it is not coming on then it is the switch and they are very easy to change.
Under it.
Defective switch may be the cause.
It have battery
What kind of car and which switch. There are several that can effect compressor operation.
When standing at the back of the car looking at the engine, the oil pressure switch is located on the left of the engine case at the top and near the rear of the car, not far from the distributor. It should be easy to locate because it should have a wire coming out of it.
Locate the flasher control switch and turn it off.
It could be getting alot of air to it but nothing coming in because it could be clogged
yeah it because theirs not a lot of air coming in to the car
Of course you can. Your car will just have no power and will use a ton of gas. What the mass air flow does is it measures the amount of air coming into the intake of the engine and it then tells the computer how much fuel to mix in with the air coming in.