Answer 1
His period of active production was approximately 1590-1613. Parts of this period are variously called the Elizabethan Age (referring to Queen Elizabeth I), The Jacobean Period (referring to King James I), and The English Renaissance. In European History the time period is generally called the English Renaissance. However, specifically peaking in English history William Shakespeare's career coincided with the reigns of Queen Elizabeth I and King James I. Many consider this to be England's Golden Age.
Answer 2
William Shakespeare's career coincided with the reigns of Queen Elizabeth I and King James I. Queen Elizabeth's reign was the Elizabethan period, sometimes called "The Golden Age." King James reign is known as the "Jacobean" age - Jacob being a variation of the name "James." This period, and some years before and after are also known as The Renaissance. It is generally called the Elizabethan era, however in all honesty only about half of Shakespeare's life was during Elizabeth I's rule. Though she only lived 3 years into the 17th century, most of it is also considered Elizabethan because most of the same customs remained intact. William Shakespeare lived from 1564-1616, meaning all but the last 13 years of his life were lived during the Elizabethan period of English history.
It was called the Elizabethan period, although many people confuse this with the Tudor period, as Queen Elizabeth 1st was a tudor, however, it was the Elizabethan.
It was called the Elizabethan period, although many people confuse this with the Tudor period, as Queen Elizabeth 1st was a tudor, however, it was the Elizabethan.
About seven years.
Shakespeare was eight years old when the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre took place in France.
Anne Hathaway Shakespeare (1555 - 06 Aug 1623) lived to be 67 years old. She married Shakespeare in 1582 when he was 18 years old and she was 26. She died 7 years after his death. They had 3 children: Susanna Hall, Hamnet Shakespeare and Judith Quiney.
He lived 450-500 years ago: 1564-1616.4
He was born in 1564; from 2012 that is 448 years ago. He died in 1616; from 2012 that is 396 years ago.
Anne spent all her married life in Stratford. In 1597, when they had been married about 15 years, Shakespeare bought a large new house called New Place for Anne and their daughters to live in.
If it hadn't been for the Elizabethan Age, Shakespeare would have lived most of his life in a timeless limbo. If the years 1558 to 1603 hadn't existed, Shakespeare would have appeared in the Jacobean Age at the age of 39 already, with only 13 years of his life left to live.
Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1616. The 52 years between were the years of his life.
Shakespeare never left England.
No, never.
The Lost Years