It can pop a blood vessel or somthin and you could die. Popping pimples can also leaves scars
No, pulling out a hair does not cause two to grow back. Each hair follicle can only produce one hair at a time. So, pulling out a hair will not result in doubling the number of hairs.
The arrector pili muscle is the structure responsible for pulling on the hair follicle, causing it to stand up and creating goosebumps. This muscle contracts in response to cold or emotional stimuli, causing the hairs to elevate and creating the appearance of goosebumps on the skin.
Pimples on the penis can be caused by several factors, including clogged pores, ingrown hairs, yeast infections, or sexually transmitted infections. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
is epidrmis present in root hairs
Roots Hairs Absorb WATER
Pimples that form on the stomach are generally ingrown hairs. They are often mistaken for pimples, when they are then popped they tend to become infected.
they probably aren't pimples. they're probably ingrown hairs and if you leave them alone or pop them, they will release the hair under the surface.
pulling out splinters, plucking hairs, just to get small things with
A pair of tweezers is a useful tool for pulling out small objects like splinters or hairs from the skin.
could occur because of ingrown out for nose hair trimmers that pull more than cut!!
Well that's easy. Mammals, of course! Humans (that's us), also have hairy skin, but ours are much harder to see. I heard in a book, that if you get cold, you will have tiny bumps on your body, in other words 'goose pimples'! There are 2 ways to see these hairs on our body-1) try getting goose pimples (there's one thing, when get goose pimples, the hairs on our body stand on one end, so it's easy to see it.)2) see the hairs on our fingers? I say that's proof that we are under the group 'Mammals'
Ur skin is trying to get warmer by pulling your hairs up to protect the skin from the cold.
Go to the doctor or STD clinic. They could be pimples, ingrown hairs or something more serious like genital herpes.
Yes, it is possible to get pimples or bumps on the skin of the scrotum or genital area. These can be caused by ingrown hairs, folliculitis, infections, or skin irritation. If you notice any unusual bumps or changes in your genital area, it is best to consult a healthcare provider for proper evaluation and treatment.
Subquestion: Please concentrate on the question, which refers to the pulling out of hairs about 30 TIMES, which is the key, and incidentally implies any hairs any where on a person. So unless you have the experience of repeatedly pulling out the same hair or hairs by the roots, dozens of times, please don't restate the popular claim that a tweezed hair will regrow coarser and darker. You will not make the hairs die. They will become thicker and stronger and turn white earlier. Answer: The above answer is contradictory because a popular claim is that tweezed, plucked, etc. hairs will regrow coarser and darker. I believe natural hair color indicates its condition. Darkest hair is the strongest. Black, brown, reddish-brown, red, blonde, white. White hairs are close to dying. .
The black hairs that come out of moles shouldn't be pulled out. They are connected to the roots of the mole. Pulling these out will cause the bottom of the mole to come out the top, literally pulling it inside out. This will create a cyst out of the now inside out mole that will in tine fall off and become a cancerous tumor.
Cat hairs themselves are not typically dangerous to human health. However, some people may be allergic to cat dander, which can cause symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and difficulty breathing. It is important to keep a clean environment and groom your cat regularly to minimize exposure to dander.