You shouldn't smoke in the first place because it is very bad for your health. In fact, the #1 reason for Lung Cancer is due to tobacco use. But in some occasions, smoking is important to some people like various tribes of Native American Indians because it is tradition...
It is important to you because you're an addict!
-smoking causes respiratory problems that leads to lung cancer
smoking can harm all your important part in your body even unborn babys
becaUSE when were small we know what will happen to us when we start smoking when were older
Because the smoking can affect our health seriously. So it is important for us not to smoke.
The most important decision is not to start smoking.
the government warns the dangers of smoking cigarettes - Apex
Using a sauna as a method to quit smoking is not a proven or recommended strategy. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional for evidence-based methods to quit smoking.
There is no "cure" Yet,quitting is very important.
Lungs- smoking can turn them black.
an important custom was the smoking of the peace pipe
obisity, smoking and