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There are many different types of light bulbs. The standard filament style bulb is usually flooded with an inert gas, or pulled into a vacuum, to keep the filament from self destructing. Originally, Filaments where composed of a carbon thread. Since carbon is a resistor of electric, it can generate large amounts of heat/light.This caused almost immediate failure due to overheating and mixing with oxygen which accelerated its failure. A light bulb can in fact burn, without inert gases or a vacuum, however the life of the filament is very short (.5 seconds to 3 seconds from my experience) Florescent bulbs are slightly different. Florescent bulbs use a mixture of Argon and Mercury vapor. Electrons conduct from one end to the other while "bumping" into the mercury atoms. The electrons in turn excite the mercury vapor, when this gas returns to its unexcited state they produce ultraviolet protons. When these protons hit the phosphor coating inside the tube they create light. In summary, different styles of light bulbs use gas in different methods. However The most prevalent method is to reduce the amount of heat caused by an electrical reaction inside a tube.

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15y ago
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9y ago

Argon is an inert gas that will not support burning when the bulbs filament becomes white hot because of the current running through it. When a light bulb consists of tungsten, when electricity is passed through it, tungsten offers a very high resistance and it becomes hot and produces white light. At this temperature when it is exposed to air, tungsten gets oxidized. So prevent its oxidation, tungsten is burnt in the atmosphere of argon, which is a inert gas.

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10y ago

Noble gases are used in light bulbs because of their properties. For example, argon prevents tungsten filaments from evaporating. Thus, argon increases the life of the light bulb.

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13y ago

Mercury is used in light bulbs becaus ofv ......

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12y ago

Makes them glow brighter and uses less energy

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12y ago

So it reflects and doesn't burn the house down!!

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8y ago

Transparent so light comes through, non porous to hold a vacuum, resists high heat levels, not an electrical conductor, and cheap enough that you can afford to buy a light bulb.

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12y ago

halogen gas

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