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if your rabbit is breathing faster than usauly it is most likely too hot! you can tell a rabbits body temp. by their ears. to cool them down you should put a frozen water bottle in their cage for them to lay by.

Rabbits do not sweat and they do not pant to cool themselves. (if they are panting they are over heated) Remember they have on a fur coat that they can't remove. The frozen water bottle in their cage will do the trick also hanging a wet curtain (or towel) on their cage will cool them off as the air passes thru it. If your rabbit is panting hard you can aide in a faster cool down by wetting their ears with a wet wash cloth. The large veins in their ears are how a rabbit regulates it's temperature. NEVER aim a fan or air conditioning at a rabbit, the direct draft is not good and could cause respiratory problems.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Why are you messing with 5 day old bunnies. They should be left alone as much as possible until their eyes open- 10 days. They will breathe fast while they are sleeping AND when they are stressed. Leave them alone!!!!!

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βˆ™ 13y ago

If your rabbit is having difficulty breathing or is panting heavily, it needs immediate emergency veterinary attention. If it's very hot, your rabbit could be suffering from heat exhaustion. If there is mucous around the nose, eyes, mouth, chin, or on the front paws, your rabbit could be suffering from a respiratory infection or dental disease. Any number of things could be wrong with your rabbit if she or he is panting or struggling to breathe. Bring your rabbit to the vet immediately!

(In off hours, experienced rabbit owners may be able to identify the exact cause and undertake some first aid at home before consulting the vet in the morning. If you aren't absolutely sure of yourself, go the 24/7 emergency vet hospital.)

It could also mean the rabbit is scared.

If your rabbit is breathing through its mouth, this is a sign of serious distress. Rabbits don't breathe through their mouths unless something is wrong. Bring your rabbit to the vet.

New rabbit owners may be surprised to see their rabbit's whole bodies rocking with the force of their breath. This can be perfectly normal. A rabbit's body is very small! Look out for other signs of ill-health to determine if your rabbit is struggling to breathe or not.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Call your veterinary surgery and tell them any symptoms she has (e.g. breathing heavily) then listen to their advice and do what they tell you.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Rabbits are mammals. Mammals need oxygen to live.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

It is probably sick, it should be taken to a small animal vet that is familiar with treating rabbits.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

I think it means that your bunny is overheated. My rabbit does this sometimes but she always is lying down in the sun when it happens, hope this helps :)

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βˆ™ 14y ago

i think it does that

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Q: Why is your rabbit breathing so hard?
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