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Q: Why is Linux still unpopular with the general public?
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Are command line interfaces still used?

Yes, the Mac, Windows and Linux still have command line uses, just not so much available to the general public as it's real easy to destroy the OS's. I's mainly used by developers and the like. If you know what your doing it's easily accessible.

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Airplanes are still widely used by the general public when travelling long distances.

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Over 400 million. More precisely I mean 90% of the public use windows and the rest consist of Linux and mac.

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Yes, but it will be sealed to the general public.

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No, it has been shut down due to lack of interest in the general public. :(

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Dell laptops were first available for purchase by the general public in 1996. They still sell laptops and are the third largest computer seller in North America.

Is Linux more secure than Unix?

Even in the early days when Linux first came out, it was often commented upon how much faster it was than traditional Unix systems. For many tasks, Linux simply performs better. There are some situations that Linux still has not been optimized for, though, so Unix systems are used to do the "heavy" lifting.

What are the virus of Linux?

Linux operating systems are well protected, but not immune to viruses, and can still be afflicted by rootkits and trojans. 'Kaiten' and 'rexob' are the names of two Linux trojans. 'Brundle', 'Nuxbee' and 'VIT' are just three Linux viruses.

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In the years following Vietnam and Watergate, the American public and the media developed a general cynicism about public officials that still exists today.

How can Linux servers help me?

"Linux servers can help people in many different ways. To date, Linux is still one of the top computer operating systems out there. It all depends on what you need to do."

Is Linux still being used today?

Absolutely. Very widely used. Actually, this very site runs on Linux...

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In the 1950s there was still a lot of anti-German feeling among the general public in Britain.