They do not support themselves, and the duty falls upon you to supply this support.
Improving answer: I think all people are heavy to lift, if they are not awake and helping you by using their muscles. My problem with lifting people is the lack of a good place to grab them. I can lift a 120 pound barbell a lot easier than a 120 pound woman, mainly because the barbell has a couple of nice handgrips built into it with non-slip checkering on the steel.
you can push pull slide drag lift use a cart some tools
Inclined planes are useful for "spreading out" work across a longer distance, making it easier than just a dead lift.
Lift and carry is a fetish where mainly men like to be lifted and carried by women. This can also pertain to women lifting other women. For some people lift and carry is sexually arousing.
adrenalineWhile high levels of adrenaline permits such unusual performance, people sometimes injure themselves by overexertion but are unaware of it at the time because of concurrent high levels of endorphins.
Increasing the number of pulleys divides the force required to lift up a heavy object; increasing the number of pulleys decreases the force needed by the person (or motor) pulling the first end of the pulley system. However, it is important to know that it does not affect the total work needed to lift up the object. As the force is decreased, the distance of rope needed increases to compensate for a conserved amount of work required for the load to be lifted.
more than force muscles fibres inside the body are mainly responsible for lifting heavy load.force comes from them to lift the heavy load.
Using tools such as levers, pulleys, or hydraulic systems can help people lift heavy objects with less force by multiplying the input force exerted. These mechanisms allow for a distribution of the load over a larger area, making it easier for individuals to lift heavy objects.
A crane can lift heavy things higher than people can.
The difference between heavy lift surcharge and long lift surcharge is the size of the cargo. Long lift surcharges are applied when the length of the cargo exceed the rules. Heavy lift surcharge is when the weight of the cargo exceeds the going rate.
The weight of 4kg can be considered heavy or light depending on the context. For some people, 4kg may be heavy to lift, while for others it may be relatively light.
You always lift with your legs, NEVER your back. If you lift with your back you will cause your back injury. To lift anything heavy, you bend down, having your back in a straight up and down position and place your feet at about 2 feet apart, bending your legs down. Then you lift.. If manually moving things with your hands, you use the same technique above otherwise if things are to heavy for you to life, use a manual fork lift or machine operated fork lift. You can also use the buddy system, using two people to lift a heavy object, using the same technique above for both people is always safer then trying to lift something that is really heavy by yourself.
The table was so heavy (having a lot of weight) , my uncle couldn't lift it. :(
With the job market, it can be difficult to find a job in any market. However, packaging seems to be a good choice because many people are not able to lift heavy objects so the demand for these jobs are not as strong.
Lift Heavy and eat healthy if you want to add muscle
Heavy as in blunt, no. Heavy as in hard to lift, yes!
because we can't lift it with our hand
When two people lift a heavy object, they can distribute the weight between them, making it more manageable for each person. This also allows for better coordination and leverage, which reduces the strain on each individual compared to lifting the object alone. Additionally, having a second person provides psychological and physical support, increasing the overall strength and efficiency of the lift.