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I suppose most people want the human race to flourish in the future, and not return to the sort of lifestyle of 1000 years ago. Our present way of life depends on having adequate energy supplies, though there is a case for being more economical than the US and Europe are with it. Eventually fossil fuels will run out, though coal will last probably for a few more centuries. So at some stage we shall really need alternatives, and if these are renewable without upsetting the earth's ecology, so much the better.
long answer we are using up non renewable resources which we cant use once they are gone such as coal or any other fossil fuels. we need to get as much renewable recourses as possible so we dont have to worry about them being gone as quickley

short answer

we could run out of nonrenewable resourses
it is very important to develop renewable energy sources...especialyy bcz of the following reasons

. fossil fuels will run out someday in future

. renewable energy is environmental friendly nd does not emit harmful gases in air unlike nonrenewable energy

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

+Every country is facing acute shortage of power supply.Hydel projects are no more dependable in that most of the rivers are dry due to rain failures.Nuclear reactors are stiffly opposed by the environmentalists.Diesel plants are beyond the reach of developing countries.A new area has to be found out for uninterrupted supply of energy. In every nook and corner of the world there are now a days continuous flow of vehicles on the roads.Imagine these as big running rivers incessently.Why don't we tap this energy and produce power at minimum cost

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Because that's the only way we can stop burning fossil fuels which are causing global warming.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

It is important as in less than 30 years there will be no more oil, nor any other fossil energies. That's why

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Q: Why do we need to preserve renewable resources?
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The 3 renewable energy resources are:WindWaterSolar

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Renewable energy resources are always there. We just need to harness them.

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Yes, flowers are renewable resources because they can be grown, harvested, and replanted continuously without depleting their supply as long as proper care is taken to preserve their natural habitat.

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It is important to preserve renewable resources like soil and forests because they play crucial roles in sustaining biodiversity, regulating climate, and providing essential ecosystem services such as water purification and air quality improvement. Degradation of these resources can lead to negative impacts on the environment, economy, and human well-being. Preserving them ensures their sustainable use for future generations.

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The best way to conserve non renewable resources is to recycle them. To reduce your need for minerals you can find substitutes.

Are eggs renewable or non-renewable resources?

Eggs are renewable resources.

How do you preserve energy resources for the future?

The only way to preserve them is not to use them, but it's more sensible to go on using them (which we will do come what may), but to use them more economically, and to use renewable energy where possible

Why do you need to use nenewable energy?

People need to use renewable energy so we don't deplete the Earths resources. Renewable energy is energy that comes from resources that can replenish itself. Examples of such resources include wind, and sunlight.

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I do need those pictures:(