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Your question is not exactly clear... well maybe one of these helps:

1^x = 1 (any x)
x^0 = 1 (any x)
0^y = 0 (any positive y)

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Q: Why is exponent power is one?
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What is the exponent in 10 to the 5 power?

Power = 5 = exponent. That is, exponent = 5.

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The exponent is 2 - from the SECOND power.

Can 1 be an exponent?

Yes, one can be an exponent. Something to the first power is the base. For example, 4 to the 1st power is 4. 1,345,864,123 to the 1st power is 1,345,864,123. I hope this helps!

What is the exponent for 760?

Answer: 1 Something like 52 is called a power. The base is 5 and the exponent is 2. If the exponent is not given it is assumed to be one, so that 760 = 7601. The exponent is 1.

What is the smallest raised number in a power that tells how many times the base is used as a factor?

The exponent.

What is the exponent for nine to the second power?

The exponent is TWO.

What is the exponent in two to the fifth power?

The exponent is five.

What is 7 to the sixth power in exponent form?

7 to the sixth power in exponent form is 76

How do you solve an exponent if it's by the power of zero?

Any exponent to the power of zero is simply 1, with the exception of zero itself! Zero to the power of zero has no definitive answer, though it may sometimes be taken as equal to one.

When an exponent to a power is multiplied by an exponent is to a different power do you multiply the powers together?

No, you add the powers together.

What is the difference between exponent and powers?

Exponent=e to the powerPower=m to the power ni.e Power=Generalized exponent

The multiple expressed by an exponent?

The multiple expressed by an exponent?aswner:a power