Because it has a minor third (eg in C minor scale, C-E flat is a minor third interval), and a minor 6th (again in c minor, C -A flat is a minor 6th). This creates the correct pattern for TSTTST1/2S
Simply a minor scale
The Tonic
The third scale degree is called the mediant.
The difference between a melodic minor scale and a harmonic minor scale is that in a melodic minor scale, the sixth and seventh scale degrees are raised on the way up, and on the way down they are the same as they would be in natural minor. In a harmonic minor scale, only the seventh scale degree is raised and stays the same on the way down.
The first note of a major or minor scale is called the tonic note. For example: for C major, the first note (or tonic note) is C; for a minor, the first note (or tonic note) is a.
Simply a minor scale
A Major/Minor scale.
I'm not sure if this is the answer your looking for, but by playing a scale, starting on the sixth degree in a major scale (also called aeolian mode), you will essentially be playing a natural minor scale. Specifically, the relative minor.
The Tonic
The third scale degree is called the mediant.
The third note in a major or minor scale is called a mediant.
A melodic minor scale is a minor scale where the sixth and seventh are raised by a half step as the scale ascends; however, the melodic minor scale is played exactly the same as a natural minor scale as it descends.
The difference between a melodic minor scale and a harmonic minor scale is that in a melodic minor scale, the sixth and seventh scale degrees are raised on the way up, and on the way down they are the same as they would be in natural minor. In a harmonic minor scale, only the seventh scale degree is raised and stays the same on the way down.
The first note of a major or minor scale is called the tonic note. For example: for C major, the first note (or tonic note) is C; for a minor, the first note (or tonic note) is a.
B flat is in the d minor scale.
C is the third note of an A minor scale.
A major scale and its relative minor scale share the same key signature.