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That he raised an army of disgruntled Thebans and invading Argives against his hometown of Thebes is the reason why Polyneices is viewed as a traitor in 'Antigone'. But the reason that he raises the army lies in the denial of his rights. He and his twin brother Eteocles are the heirs to the Theban throne. Their mother, Theban Queen Jocasta, commits suicide. Their father, Theban King Oedipus, is exiled for having killed his own father and sovereign, Theban King Laius.

With their father's disgrace, Eteocles and Polyneices become kings. But the actual arrangement is power sharing in which they alternate years of rule. At the end of his first year, Eteocles refuses to honor the arrangement. He then banishes Polyneices from the city.

Polyneices promptly goes to Argos. There, he marries into the royal house. He thereby gets Argive royal support for an invasion of Thebes. He hopes to claim his rights by force. Instead, both brothers die in the ensuing battle. And that's where the play 'Antigone' begins.

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Q: Why is Polyneices viewed as a traitor in 'Antigone'?
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Polyneices' sister, Antigone.

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The incentive moment is the exact point at which someone resolves to do something regardless of the possible consequences. In the play 'Antigone', it occurs with Antigone resolving to bury her brother Polyneices. She knows that only those who were loyal to Thebes in the recent struggle against the Argive invaders are to be buried. But she decides to respect the god-given burial traditions, and the corpse of her brother, who is viewed as a traitor by Theban King Creon.

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Antigone's brothers are Eteocles and Polyneices.

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Antigone's meaning of the word traitor is a daughter that buries her brother's body.

What does Antigone do against Creon's wishes in 'Antigone'?

Bury her brother is what Antigone does against Creon's wishes in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban King Creon announces that the bodies of all disloyal Theban dead are to be left above ground and exposed to weather and wildlife. Princess Antigone defies the non-burial edict when she buries her brother Polyneices. Creon insists upon the non-burial of his nephew Polyneices, whom he considers a traitor to Thebes.

Why is Antigone committed to burying her brother Polyneices In Antigone.?

love for her family

Is Polyneices engaged to Antigone?

No, Polyneices isn't engaged to Antigone. There are four reasons why he isn't. First, Antigone is engaged to Haemon, her first cousin and the royal heir apparent. Second, Polyneices is dead. Second, he leaves behind a widow and son. Third, he's Antigone's brother.

What is the scene in which Antigone buries Polyneices in 'Antigone'?

By scenes 1-2 Antigone buries and reburies Polyneices in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone announces in the play's Prologue her intent to bury her brother Polyneices. By Scene 1 Polyneices' body partially is buried under a layer of dust. King Creon. By Scene 2 the body is re-buried, and Antigone is arrested for being the perpetrator.

What actors and actresses appeared in Antigone and Polyneices - 2011?

The cast of Antigone and Polyneices - 2011 includes: Corina Harper as Antigone Matilda Harper as Ismene Tristan Rowley as King Creon

In the play Antigone what is the four kids names?

Antigone, Ismene, Polyneices, and Eteocles

What is the connection between the Parados and Antigone's and Ismene's conversations in 'Antigone'?

That the topic is Polyneices is the connection between the Parados and Antigone's and Ismene's conversation in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, sister Theban Princesses Antigone and Ismene discuss the unburied status of their brother Polyneices' body. It distresses Antigone, but not Ismene, that their uncle King Creon denies their brother's body god-given rights of all Thebans to below ground burials. The chorus then enters and offers their biased justification for Creon's denial of Polyneices' rights. The members point the blame at Polyneices as a traitor who joins up with Argives to attack his own hometown of Thebes. They reveal just what they want to since Polyneices in fact is in the right for being denied his legitimate royal claim by the usurpers, his own twin brother Eteocles and his uncle Creon.

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