There are many reasons why your Facebook Account was disabled. The main reason would be because you broke one of Facebook's rules.
Another reason would be if you are not 13 years old or if the information in your account is inaccurate.
If your account is disabled, it can mean the following things. a.) your account has been deleted b.) you have been banned by an administrater of the site c.) your account is no longer valid,due to an update or a membership expire.
You cannot open the email if account is disabled. You have to log in and enable the account. Then you are able to read the mail.
Automatically Imvu sends you an email after your account has been disabled. So you can just find that email and click the link and should get your account back. - Hope I helped
Well you probebly put something in wrong so it disabled your account and now you have to make another account or write to the youtube guys and say that you need your account back. -Grace
if you have closed or disabled your account you can't get back on it!
To recover a disabled account, which means your account is already been disabled, and you still have right password, in this case, you need to log on runescape home page ------> Help -------> Appeal Bans&Mutes, to unban your account, you could describle what you want to say to help you get your account back, and anway, once an account got disabled, jagex would not release the account for you. there is very little chance for you to get account back. if you are too lazy to tain a high level account, i suggest you can buy runescape account on, well trusted, and all accounts are 100% safe.
My Gmail account was disabled, but there is no way that you can get your Gmail account back, sorry for your unfortunate event.
go to apple support they only email, live chat, there is no phone number, good luck:)
There will be a red circle with an X in it over the users icon next to their name and if you look at the information on the account tab, there will be a check mark in the box next to "Account is disabled" dsquery user -disabled
If you already have an account and you can no longer log in and you know you entered the correct password and email address, you account has most likely been disabled.
I think you can't. You could make a new account, as long as you have another email address you could use.