There is no data or information on why Groucho Marx doesn't have a biography in the book Comic Genius.
Comic Genius was created in 2005.
Groucho Marx
His name is Groucho Marx
His name is Groucho Marx
Rap Hawaii's Comic Genius - 2011 TV was released on: USA: 13 November 2011
Groucho Marx
Heard of Girl Genius?
ohhh yeah he is the best SIKE he suck
Biography - 1987 Richard Pryor Comic on the Edge was released on: USA: 8 July 1996
Biography - 1987 Martin Lawrence Comic Trip was released on: USA: 6 August 2002
Biography - 1987 Richard Pryor Comic on the Edge is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:Atp Australia:M
It's on the DVD boxed-set called "Dick Cavett Show: Comic Legends"