most common problem causing a surge while a car idles is the MAF-Mass Air Flow sensor is contaminated. typically this will throw a code (check engine light aka MIL)
what is the down side of the 1997 buick park avenue
choke idle adjustment on 1988 Buick Riviera
had tune up on 1992 buick 350 new plugs cap wires still idleing rough
fuel pressure injector pulse idle air control motor
won't idle
try to adjust the distributor.
1500 at first until it kicks down to 850 rpm
you will have to replace the trottle possitioning sensor (TPS) THIS WILL SOLVE YOU PROBLEM
First you must check the ISC motor ( idle speed control) operation. Its located by the throttle body. It controls idle and high idle speeds. Good luck
On a 1992 Acura Vigor idle is adjusted through a idle control valve. Tightening the valve well raise the lower the idle and loosening it will raise it.
Idle is set by the computer.
as far as stalling, could it be an idle sensor gone wrong? As far as kickdown, perhaps a stuck accellerator cable, seeing as the linkage is mechanical, a sticky throttle lever? One could get the auto tranny flushed and refilled with fresh fluid....worth a try...