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Because it does RETARDS!!

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Q: Why does the word catch end with tch?
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Words that end with tch?

Well,when the letter t meets the letters ch they make a new sound tch.Some words end with tch like in catch watch hatch crutch.

What is an affricate?

An affricative is another name for an affricate, a sound produced by the combination of a plosive and a fricative - such as the -tch of catch and the j- of jury.

When a word has tch only the ch sound is heard. the t is silent. find 10 words containing the ch sound?

snatch, batch, scratch, twitch, sketch, fetch, match, watch, catch and witch there is all 10 of you words with TCH in them.

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What is affricate?

An affricate is a sound produced by the combination of a plosive and a fricative, such as the -tch of catch or the j- of jury.

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How many Pokemon did ash catch in his life?

Not even close to all of them. And they call him the 'very best', tch... Gotta lose em' all!

How many syllables does the word watched have?

The word watch has one syllable.

What is a good nickname for the letter t?

you can say "tee-tee" or wrap it, like "tch-tch-cha-tch" or "tp" hahahaha

What does the Japanese word Tamagochi mean?

The word 'Tamagotchi' is a portmanteau (or hybrid) of the Japanese word for 'egg' (tamago, たまご) and the English word 'watch'. By taking 'tamago' and adding 'tch' at the end, the result is "Tamagotch," which has been popularized internationally with the added 'i' sound at the end. The literal meaning turns out to be 'Egg watch'.