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Maybe a better question is whether a candle AND it's combustion products gets heavier or lighter. Since a candle uses the oxygen from the air, the total mass gets heavier than the original candle.

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16y ago
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3mo ago

When a candle burns, the wax is converted into carbon dioxide and water vapor through a chemical reaction with oxygen in the air. The mass decreases because the wax molecules are broken down and the byproducts escape into the surrounding environment, resulting in a loss of mass.

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12y ago

Burning candles lose mass through four ways:

  1. Candle wax melts, and the molten wax rises up the wick through capillary action whereupon the molten wax evaporates due to the heat at the base of the flame. The wax vapors burn in the flame. This chemical oxidation process converts the candle wax into combustion byproducts that rise up as smoke from the flame.
  2. Some candle wax vapors escape before burning, and dissipate into the air.
  3. Candles can drip molten wax, which fall off the candle before evaporating.
  4. The wick itself burns, and is converted into combustion byproducts that either rise up as smoke or fall off as ash.
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14y ago

Because of the law of conservation of mass, the mass of the candle does not disappear when it is burned. This means that the whole mass is converted to other substances, the products of the combustion reaction. The mass of these products must be equal to the mass of the reactants, in this case, the oxygen, wick, and candle that are burned.

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15y ago

because the intence heat melts the wax

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Q: Why when you burn a candle the mass decreases?
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When a candle burns, it undergoes a chemical reaction called combustion, where the wax reacts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water vapor. During this process, the candle's mass decreases as some of the wax is converted into gases. On the other hand, when a candle melts, it transitions from solid to liquid state, but its mass remains unchanged as no chemical reaction occurs.

When was Burn Like a Candle created?

Burn Like a Candle was created on 1972-06-25.

What Burns longer a white candle or black candle?

The color of a candle does not affect its burn time. The burn time of a candle is determined by its size, wax type, and wick quality.

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Does a candle holder effect burn rate?

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It depends on what kind of wax that the candle is made out of

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What actors and actresses appeared in Candle Burn - 2013?

The cast of Candle Burn - 2013 includes: Megan Cross as Meg