because sunderland once saved newcastle from going out of business
The red cross on a white background happens to be the flag of Milan, as well as looking like the flag of St George.
The red ensign flag, is a red flag with the British union flag in the upper quadrant nearest the flag pole (hoist). It is used on British registered merchant vessels, to identyfy the nationality and flown at the stern. Foreign vessels visiting UK waters, fly the red ensign on the starboard side of the mast, as a courtesy flag. The UK is one of a few countries who have a different flag from their national one, for use at sea. The red ensign may have a badge, or symbol, added in the main part of the flag (known as defacing) for special uses and identities. For example, the Isle of man merchant flag, has the three leg symbol on the red ensign.
LOL, The Jamaican flag doesn't have the color of red on the flag It has black,green and gold.However, the rastafarians have red in their flag.
White, Blue & Red. The English flag is red and white. The Welsh flag is red and white. The Scottish flag is blue and white
Eagle is Poland's heraldic badge, but it isn't on the flag - the flag is just white and red. However, flag with coat of arms is used with some special destinations: on embassies, ships or airports. You'll find more info at
because sunderland once saved newcastle from going out of business
I worked with a man who used to work for NUFC. He was part of the re-branding when the badge was introduced (it was a looooonnnngggg time ago). The designer submitted the new look badge, the fella who signed it off made one adjustment: the red in the flag. He was a S**derland fan...that was his little joke, and evidently his legacy. Aaron
In "The Red Badge of Courage," the flag is successfully captured by the Union soldiers at the end of the novel. They manage to seize it from the Confederate forces, symbolizing their victory in battle.
Henry and Wilson took it from the dead man's control.
Newcastle united
Henry and Wilson took it from the dead man's control.
The Canadian flag is the Red Maple Leaf.Canada's flag is a red vertical stripe, a white vertical stripe with a red leaf, and then another red vertical stripe. To see a picture click here:
The Tasmanian flag was adopted the 25th of September on 1876. It has two distinct symbols: The Union Flag; that contains a British defaced blue design located on the fly, and the State Badge; which's got a state badge of a red lion on a white disk.
The red cross on a white background happens to be the flag of Milan, as well as looking like the flag of St George.
Because of Newcastle's links with the sea the castle is the link the Norman keep the black and white shield the link to their shirt
After capturing the enemy's flag, Henry reflects on his experiences in battle and decides that he is a man of courage.
In "The Red Badge of Courage," when the Union troops began to run away, the flag-bearer hesitated but then ran as well, leaving the flag behind. Henry Fleming, the main character, eventually picks up the flag and carries it, feeling a sense of duty and responsibility.