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That perception made the rounds for a long time, until somebody decided to examine it

with some logic. He was surprised to discover that there were people who actually like

Science, and he was shocked to find that there are almost as many of them as the people

who can't stand it.

He couldn't quite figure out what this all means, and finally, he gathered up all

of his numbers and went to his Science teacher for help to make sense of it.

His Science teacher was happy to see him, and completely overjoyed when she

heard his question.

The first thing she showed him was that he was going about trying to solve this

question in a beautiful, perfectly scientific way ... not just asking his friends for

their opinions, but actually counting things up.

Next, she showed him a couple of scientific conclusions that he could draw from the

numbers he had collected. (She started calling his numbers 'data', and he felt great

when he heard that.)

She showed him that after he finished counting all the students in his school,

there were 197 who said they like Science, and 202 who said that Science sucks.

She explained that since the two numbers were less than 3% different, it was OK

to say that they were "approximately equal", and when you do that, a really wild

hypothesis jumps out: About 1/2 of the kids in the school said that Science sucks,

and approximately the same number said that the same Science doesn't suck.

So the intrinsic likability, the inherent characteristic that generates the coefficient

of pleasure, must not be in the Science ... it must be in the students !

If you go with this hypothesis, it can lead to all sorts of stunning corollaries, like:

-- When somebody feels like asking "Why does Science suck ?", Science has no

responsibility to come up with an answer ... it's that person's job to figure out

what it is about him that makes him push away from Science ?

-- And it's not good enough for the Science teachers to just put the Science out

there and say "here it is come and get it", it has to be their job to understand

that different kids learn stuff in different ways, and to be able to put the Science

across in some different ways for different students.

The student picked up his papers and his notes, thanked his Science teacher and

bid her good day. On his way out, he was thinking that this could be interesting to

show his Math and Sociology teachers, and might even score him a few extra points

in those other classes. And his mom might want to take it to the PTA or the School

Board. And as much as he didn't feel like talking to his older sister, this might have

something to do with her college stuff in Elementary Education and stuff.

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11mo ago

Science doesn't suck; it is a systematic and evidence-based approach to understanding the natural world. However, science can be challenging and complex, requiring rigorous methodologies and critical thinking skills. It also evolves and updates as new information becomes available. So, it may seem difficult or frustrating at times, but it is a crucial tool for advancing knowledge and improving our understanding of the universe.

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