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math is the key to the universe

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Q: Why does math matter?
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Why is maths?

we have math because no matter what u do math is gonna be somewhere in there

What does matter mean in math?

In maths matter normally refers to the mass of an object

Does math stink?

No. Math cannot stink, it is an abstract concept and has no odor. Also, it is a matter of opinion.

Why does math matter in life?

math matters in life because anything you do in life envoles with math if not almost everthiyng in everyday life thats why math matters

What is the font for Math Skills?

Chick & Alba Matter

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How do you get the math?

it doesn't matter if you like math or not what matters is you create math like a puzzle you are trying to solve it will make math a lot easier for you that's my personal experience

What is the difference between density and matter?

The difference is that Density is one way of measuring matter, its a math expression. While Matter is a physical substance.

What does the word mass mean in math?

It is a measure of the amount of matter in an object.

What does the math term parallel mean?

The math term parallel mean that two lines will never ever meet no matter how long the line is.The math term parallel mean that two lines will never ever meet no matter how long the line is.The math term parallel mean that two lines will never ever meet no matter how long the line is.The math term parallel mean that two lines will never ever meet no matter how long the line is.different person: crap! there's a lot of these things!

What is the smallest negative number?

No matter how big a number is, we can always add one or multiply by two or more. No matter how small a number is, we can always divide it by two or take away a given percentage of it. No matter how small a negative number is, we can always make it smaller! Math knows no limits. Math has no boundaries. The limitations in math and numbers are only those of practicality and imagination

What job in the CIA do you need to know math in?

You need math for everything weather its a job in the CIA or even a grabage man, you need math no matter where you go math is always there sometimes you would recongize it and sometimes you won't.