If you are a new rider and/or have a poorly fitting saddle the extra pressure on a small and tender area of your body can cause some chafing.
Things to try are:
- try some special bicycling underwear
- try another saddle. Wider and softer isn't always better. Your sit bones will sink into the soft surface leaving the padding to squish up into your soft areas.
- ride harder. The harder you push on the pedals, the more weight will be carried by your legs as opposed to by your crotch.
yes, it certanly does.
When you pee, you heal the infection that is causing the stinging.
is a bike mechanical
In German, you say "Fahrrad fahren" to mean riding a bike.
riding a bike can have an advantage over a plane because if you don't want to pay money than a bike is better and that riding a bike gives you cardio.
on a bike
The person who is riding the bike dies...if you hit him/her hard enough.
Yes it is. I do like riding my bike. I did like riding my bike
poop mobile
Muscles are what makes your body move, whatever you do. So you need them for bike riding too.
Riding a horse can be compared to riding a bike. if you do not have balance, you can throw the horse (or bike) off balance and/or slide off to one side.