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Q: Why does asthma make it hard to breathe?
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Why does asthma make it hard for people to breathe?

Pizza is biogaphicL

What to do if its hard to breathe?

to have a Asthma puff or go doctor

What is the mechanism for asthma?

The simple way to understand about the mechanism of asthma is it makes you feel hard to breathe and occurs when the air flow in your lung is obstructed.

Can you go in the army if you have athsma?

Maybe you cant because sometimes things burn and it makes it hard to breathe and if you have asthma, it makes it even harder to breathe!

Why does cold air make you sleepy?

It does for me because it makes it harder to breathe. I have asthma.

What is labored breaths?

shallow breathing. Basically if it is hard to breathe, like asthma, you'd be breathing slower than the average person which would make your breathing labored.

What is asthmatic attack?

This happens with people who have asthma. It is when someone suddenly find it hard to breathe. This is also known as flare ups or exacerbations.

How many times do you breathe during a asthma attack?

Whilst having an asthma attack you would normally breathe about 97 times a minute.

If you can't breathe in humid hot areas and when you take a deep breathe you get dizzy and your head feels light headed and you take primatene and can breathe better like that is it asthma?

went to ER; was asthma

How is asthma common in sports?

Some people have exercise-induced asthma, which is asthma that happens when you are exercising. Asthma is when you start nwheezing and coughing, and you can't breathe. Most people who have asthma will get an asthma pump, a tool used to help you breathe better. If you exercise vigorously, you may run out of breath, and asthmatic people have the tendency to start wheezing and have an asthma attack.

What does an asthma pump do?

Asthma is a breathing disorder, in which when your allergies act up, your throat gets swollen and makes it harder to breathe. this is also refereed to as an "asthma attack", or a sudden break of asthma from allergies.

Can you get asthma if you're fat?

Anyone can get asthma, but being fit we can prevent this. If anyone has asthma, their overweight makes it more difficult to breathe.