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Q: Why does a paramecium have two different types of cilia?
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Why do paramecium have 2 types of cilia?

It is simple One Type of the Cilia is used for moving of the paramecium and the other type of Cilia is used for the "sweeping in" of food particles.I hope this helped i am only a young 13 year old studying to become a scientist, well your welcome, bye.

What is a protozoan with two nuclei that moves using cila?

Paramecium is a protozoan with two nuclei (macronucleus and micronucleus) and moves using cilia. Cilia are hair-like structures that beat back and forth to propel the organism through its aquatic environment.

List two heterotrophic protists that move?

Amoeba and Paramecium are examples of heterotrophic protists that are capable of movement. Amoebas move by extending their pseudopods, while Paramecium move using cilia.

What are some protozoan types?

amoeba and paramecium are two common types of protozoan

How are paramecium different than most other protozoans?

Paramecium have cilia for movement and feeding which sets them apart from other protozoans. They also typically have complex, differentiated cell structures compared to many other protozoans. Additionally, paramecium are unique in their ability to reproduce both sexually and asexually.

What two types of structures deal with the movement of a cell?

Flagella and cilia

What are the main three type of Protis?

Two types are the Amoeba, Paramecium, and they a called Protists

What cell appendages are responsible for external movement?

Cells have two different kinds of appendages that are used for mobility. They have flagella and cilia. Both are used for movement.

What are two different characteristics of protozoa?

Characteristics of protozoa: motility: cilia, flagella, pseudopod unicellular heterotroph

Which is correct grammar Two Different types or Two types?

Two types. By saying there are two 'types' you are already stating that there are 2 differentthings and so the word 'different' isn't necessary.

How many types of heart disease are there?

there two different types of Heart disease

What are two single organisms?

An amoeba A paramecium