Tom kept his actions secret because he was afraid he would be killed by Injun Joe or his gang/friends.
Keep It a Secret was created in 1952.
To keep a secret = Guardar un/el secretoPlease keep it a secret = Guárdame el secreto
By not telling anyone the secret, keep the secret a secret.
Keep Me a Secret was created in 2003-03.
Can U Keep A Secret was created in 1989.
Mrs. Loftus is a character in Mark Twain's novel "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." She is a kind widow who takes care of Huck when he pretends to be a girl named Sarah Williams. Mrs. Loftus figures out Huck's true identity but promises to keep his secret.
Can't Keep a Secret was created in 604.
The same way you keep anything a secret - you tell no one you can't trust.
a secret
Keep It Like a Secret was created on 1999-02-02.
Can You Keep a Secret - 2007 SUSPENDED was released on: USA: 2007