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He claims that he found a box of Ali's old stuff in her room and there was a roll of film in it, so he developed it and those are the Aria pictures. So, if he's telling the truth, Alison took the pictures, and Jason just developed them.

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13y ago
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13y ago

well in the t.v show he says that ali took the pics but im not so sure because at the end of the episode you see a picture of sencer and emily when they go into the shed and see all the pictures and we dont knowif "A' took them or jason so it is kinda mystery

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13y ago

The next episode explains how it wasn't Jason, it was Ali who did. He just developed the film.

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13y ago

Jason has those Pictures of Aria because he found a box of Ali's stuff and a roll of film was there so he developed them. the real question is; why'd Ali have them?

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12y ago

Unfortunetly, the show has not yet revealed that yet, but all the fans are dying to know

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Q: Why does Jason take pictures of Aria on Pretty Little Liars?
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