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Frankenstein created him as a hideous beast that disgusts people.

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Wiki User

8y ago
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Lvl 1
3y ago
wrong lol
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Lvl 1
3y ago
right lol
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Lvl 1
3y ago
There’s a couple right answers. This one was right for me 
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Fallen Angel

Lvl 1
3y ago
same here
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Jimmy Edge

Lvl 5
3y ago

Here is the answer. Frankenstein abandon the monster after he was created, so he had to fend for himself y'all are welcome.

(if i am wrong comment below brothers)

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Lvl 1
3y ago
You’re right
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Joehailan Rosario

Lvl 1
3y ago
Frankenstein created him as a hideous beast that disgusts people.

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Lvl 2
3y ago

Frankenstein doesn't love or accepts him, so he can't know

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Jaylan Igbinoba

Lvl 1
2y ago
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Stuffy Beats

Lvl 1
2y ago
Frankenstein created him as a hideous beast that disgusts people.

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Lvl 4
3y ago

Because the monster killed William to hurt him.


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Steven Godfrey

Lvl 1
2y ago
Because he believe ms the monster has killed many people ( Apex 2021)
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Lvl 1
2y ago
because he feels that he deserves to be in control over the monster

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Wiki User

8y ago

Because the monster framed Justine for Williams death

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Ida Valdivia

Lvl 7
4y ago

Because he feels that he deserves to be in control over the monster (APEX)

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Because the monster killed William to hurt him.


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Willy Quitzon

Lvl 10
2y ago

Because the monster killed William to hurt him.


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Because the monster killed William to hurt him.


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Lvl 8
3y ago

Because the monster framed Justine for William's death

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Mara Denesik

Lvl 1
3y ago
I'm not sure this is correct
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In Frankenstein how does the monster want to heal his loneliness?

The Monster wanted a companion because he was sick of being alone, he did find some comfort in being by himself in nature but it wasn't as satisfying as human contact. He also felt that if a humans wouldn't speak to him than a creature of his own kind, of which he could relate to, would understand and the monster could live peacefully and feel as close as he could to what it would be like to be loved and to be human.

Which passage from Frankenstein best illustrates the theme of the destructive power of revenge?

When I awoke I found that the sun had already mounted Considerably. The wind was high, and waves continually threatened the safety of my little skiff.

How does victor Frankenstein feel about his creation?

In the book, Victor made his monster to be beautiful... and then it came alive. After running from it and falling asleep, he wakes to find the monster reaching for him, and he believes the monster is trying to attack him. from then on, he loathes it with all his being. he feels hate, fear, and a sense of loss, because he made this creation and left it. It destroyed everything he loves, his servant, his brother, and finally, his wife! It justifies this action by saying that all he ever knew was hate. "how dare you sport thus with life?" Victor now hates the monster, all he can think is kill... kill... He is consumed with his hatred, and this leads to his death.

How does the social and historical context affect readers response in Frankenstein?

In a readers response, you say how you feel about the novel or section you have read. So, unless you feel like the social and historical context have affected the novel or you just like it then no, it should't matter or affect the readers response at all. It would be a good idea to mention it in your response but you should ask your teacher or someone you think knows a better response what they think.

Is sa masculine or feminine?

I feel like the word sa is Masculine but I don't know if it's right.

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Why does Frankenstein feel he has the right take the life of his monster?

Because the monster killed William to hurt him. Apex

How did Victor Frankenstein feel and how was he like before he created the monster?


What does the monster leave Frankenstein as he chases the monster toward the north?

"Follow me; I seek the everlasting ices of the north, where you will feel the misery of cold and frost, to which I am impassive. You will find near this place, if you follow not too tardily, a dead hare; eat and be refreshed." So, he left Frankenstein food.

What does it mean when you dreamed of a guy in a Frankenstein costume at Target that came up to your car window and stared at you?

To dream of the Frankenstein monster indicates you are tormented or rejected by society. You feel alone and think no one understands you. The monster represents a fear that you do not know how to deal with. To dream you are being stared at (by a guy in a Frankenstein costume or not) means you are hoping someone would look your way more often. It may also represent anxiety or pride.

In Frankenstein how does the monster want to heal his loneliness?

The Monster wanted a companion because he was sick of being alone, he did find some comfort in being by himself in nature but it wasn't as satisfying as human contact. He also felt that if a humans wouldn't speak to him than a creature of his own kind, of which he could relate to, would understand and the monster could live peacefully and feel as close as he could to what it would be like to be loved and to be human.

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Meg and Dia

Who sings you feel like monster?

do u mean Monster by Skillet ? this is a part of the lyrics : I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin I must confess that I feel like a monster I hate what I've become, the nightmare's just begun I must confess that I feel like a monster I, I feel like a monster I, I feel like a monster

What does it mean to empathize with a monster?

To Understand the monsters outlook

Which passage from Frankenstein best illustrates the theme of the destructive power of revenge?

When I awoke I found that the sun had already mounted Considerably. The wind was high, and waves continually threatened the safety of my little skiff.

Why do I feel like a monster?

People say they feel like a monster when they are mad or angry with themselves. Proudly Made By, Daniel Neville.

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Elizabeth is Dr. Frankenstein's bride. He was deeply in love with her.

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