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Q: Why do you sometimes feel the need to urinate when sexually aroused?
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Can you feel water in the air?

yes.we can feel

What does it mean if your urine is warmer than normal temperature?

A urinary tract infection can cause urine to feel warmer than usual. If there is pain, it could be a sexually transmitted infection.

What happens when a girl gets horney?

It differs from woman to woman, but it could include: - The vagina gets wet and warm to prepare for the introduction of a penis. - The body's sensibility to physical contact raises, often resulting on erect nipples. - Breath becomes accelerated. - Eyes blinking quicker. - Faster heart beats. - Hands (or feet) shaking. And overall inquietude.

What if the condom comes off during sexual intercourse and you're not sure if its stuck inside or not would you just know?

Sometimes you can feel it and sometimes you can't. If it did slip off and it is still inside you it is okay but it should be removed as soon as possible. You will have to feel around up in there to try and find it, use a mirror if you need to. If you can't retrieve it yourself and you fear that it's still in there, you should make an appointment with your doctor and have an exam. It will not cause any damage if it is only in there for a day or two and don't worry about it slipping into your uterus or anything because that can't happen. Just relax, feel around and go from there. Good luck!

Why do you sometimes feel like you drop in your sleep?

When sleeping, the muscles in your arms and legs are actually paralyzed because if they weren't you would actually end up acting out all your dreams. You may feel like you're "dropping" because you have woken up before the paralysis in your muscle has disappeared. Basically, your muscles are coming back to life while you're aware of it which is why you feel a twitch. You tend to feel that the twitch woke you up, however, it is actually the other way round - you have woken up, and then moved.

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Is it normal to feel sexually aroused during my period?

It is normal to feel like you want to have sex on your period. A woman's hormones are going wild when on their period.

Did the Germans feel sexually aroused about how Hitler treated the Jews?

It depended if they were Nazi's or not, but some Nazi's were forced into it. Some did, some didn't.

What does the name boner mean?

It is when a man's penis gets larger due to a sudden burst of blood entering it. They get boners when they feel sexually aroused.

Why do some men get aroused sexually very often?

It is a natural state in where the body (being the man) gets aroused by something or someone, this causes, without much control releases a hormone which gives you an Erection... but it depends on the fact of if you are talking about in the morning or just whenever.

What does it mean when your boyfriend gets a boner for you?

It means that he's sexually attracted to you, or that you may have done something that has "turned him on" (aroused him). If you feel uncomfortable with this then tell him to hide it, or move away from him - either or, you've aroused him which is what that means. Could it mean he loves you Could it mean your boyfriend loves you Please reply

What is a sitting crossed legs and half eyes closed Buddha?

Whenever a woman crosses her legs and i put my leg on her foot i get sexually aroused, why is that? i somehow feel like that i feel like sucking her energy from crossing her legs!!

Why do some people feel sexually aroused by stroking hair?

It's a fetish just like feet or eyes, boobs etc. Sexual atraction is a mysterious and wonderful thing. From

You feel sexually aroused by men but want to have a loving relationship with a woman are you gay or not?

Men who are sexually aroused by other men are gay. If you are just entering puberty, however, you may be "going through a phase" and sexual attraction to women will emerge in a year or so. Being gay does not mean you cannot have loving relationships with women, but it does mean that those relationships will not be sexually fulfilling. It is very important that you educate yourself about human sexuality. You will find that you have a fulfilling and meaningful future.

Why do you need to pee when turned on?

This is because the same group of muscles (pelvic muscles) that control urination are also active when sexually aroused. This is why some women pee or feel like doing so when they have an orgasm.

Are you gay if you crossdress?

No. A person is gay if they only feel sexually aroused by a person of the same sex. Crossdressing has many different aspects to it - but orientation is not one of them. There are straight crossdressers, there are gay crossdressers, there are bi-sexual crossdressers.

Is it gay to crossdress?

No. A person is gay if they only feel sexually aroused by a person of the same sex. Crossdressing has many different aspects to it - but orientation is not one of them. There are straight crossdressers, there are gay crossdressers, there are bi-sexual crossdressers.

Is there a pill that will make a woman feel aroused?

Loperamide capsules arouse women sexually within 2 to 3 hours and it lasts for 2 days