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You put your hand on your heart because it symbolizes you trust and love America.

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Q: Why do you put your hand over your heart when you pledge?
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Do you put your hand over your heart if you are performing the nation anthem?

yes! most people put their hand over there heart when they sing a national anthem but its not against the law if you don't!

How far away should the flag be when you put your hand over your heart?

If you are saying the Pledge of Allegiance or singing the National Anthem, you put your hand over heart. That's the only time I've done it, but the flag should be in sight when doing so.

Can you go to jail if you are an American and you do not put your hand over your heart when the Star Spangled Banner is playing?

No. The hand over the heart is not required. It is considered "expression" which is guaranteed by the First Amendment.

Do you have to stand when the pledge to the American flag is done?

There is no law requiring you to do so. If you feel patriotic and wish to participate in the pledge, then stand, put your hand over your heart, and recite it. You can also stand respectfully and remain silent if you have any objection to the pledge (e.g. some people do for religious reasons, or for political reasons). Sitting while others stand and recite the pledge is your right, but people will undoubted be offended by this so be prepared to engage in a conversation with people about your decision.

What to do when US National Anthem is playing?

Come to attention. If you are a civilian, remove your hat and place it over your heart. If you do not have a hat, place your hand over your heart. Military personnel, those in uniform and veterans come to attention and salute during the National Anthem.

Related questions

What hand do you put over your hear when reciting the pledge of allegiance?

You put your right hand over your heart with the Pledge.

Which hand is put over the heart during the pledge?

your right hand, over your heart (left side of your body)

Why do you put your hand over your heart when you do the pledge?

because we love America

Do you put your hand over your heart if you are performing the nation anthem?

yes! most people put their hand over there heart when they sing a national anthem but its not against the law if you don't!

What do you do the show loyalty when you say the pledge of allegiance?

put your right hand over your heart and look at the flag

Why do you put your hand over your heart when reciting the pledge of allegiance?

the real reson, no matter what anyone says, patroism(excuse the spelling). You say the pledge, and by putting your hand on your heart believe in the pledge. Same as a solider saluting while the flag is being raised. because we love America

Where do you put your right hand when stating the Texas pledge?

"While rendering the salute to the Texas Flag, a person should stand erect, face the Texas Flag and hold their right hand over the heart." I think it has been changed, it "used" to be that you face the Texas flag and hold you hand out to where you elbo is at your side and our hand is out.

How far away should the flag be when you put your hand over your heart?

If you are saying the Pledge of Allegiance or singing the National Anthem, you put your hand over heart. That's the only time I've done it, but the flag should be in sight when doing so.

How do you show respect for your flag?

You can salute if you are a soldier, or you can put your hand over your heart as if saying the pledge. You could say the pledge. Most of the time, men take of headgear(i.e., hats, bandannas, etc.)

When you say your national anthem and the pledge how you show that you love you country?

look at am American flag put right hand over your heart take off hats

Why do you put your right hand over your heart to say the pledge to the flag and not your left?

The palm of the right hand is laid over the heart to symbolize sincerity. The heart is located approximately mid-sternum but sounds like it is located more to the left of the sternum. If you want to clench your fist over your heart you are replicating some sort of Gladiatorial salute.

When the flag is being raised or lowered what must you do to salute it?

you turn to the flag then put your right hand over your heart and say the flag salute - (I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all)